"Pete-The Pretty Panda Goes to The Beach"

Hi Friends,

  Boy has it been a fun week! Yesterday I got to go to the beach again. That makes makes my beach count- 3. I am on a roll. The day started off hot. The beautiful sun was shining full force in the city. I woke up, brushed my teeth, took a much needed shower and spent some quality time watching the cool looking tourists from all over the world on the balcony. It's a pretty sweet view from up there. You see, the city I live in is very small and steep. It's an uphill slope from one end to the other and the balcony is near the top so you can see almost every street below.
I wish you could see it, it's perfect!

   Anyway, after I did some cleaning up, I decided to call my buddy, Al. He has been friends with me for a long, long time now. He is my best friend. I should mention that Al is not a Panda like me. He is a Koala. He looks a little different from me, but he's pretty too. I asked Al if he wanted to go to the beach with me. He said, "sure thing!" and we decided to meet by my house and head out together.
   The beach is not at all a far walk from where I live. There's this neat road that winds through the island, and it takes you to all the beaches nearby. The closest one was about a fifteen minute easy walk away.

   This beach is kind of awesome. There are these big, big rocks close to the shore that break up the big, big waves. If it wasn't for those rocks, we wouldn't be able to swim, because it would be way too dangerous for a Pretty Panda like me. So thank you rocks for protecting me and my friend!
When Al and I finally got to the beach, we first set our beachy blankets down on the sand right by the trees for shade. That way  if it got too hot, we wouldn't be burnt. Pretty smart huh?
 Al decided to go in the water right away, but I wanted to wait. You see I wasn't ready to get wet just yet. So while Al was swimming, I decided to take a walk down the beach or as they say in Spanish, "Playa". Spanish is what most people in Puerto Rico speak. It sounds really cool and I have learned so much of it already. Pretty soon I'll be able to speak it just like them!

   During my walk, I saw a lot of cool stuff. But the coolest yet was the family of Crabs on these really big rocks by the shore. I think they lived there. I wanted to see if I could say hello to them so I went closer and closer. I think crabs are neat and if I made friends with one of them, I'd be the neatest guy around! I started saying hello to the crabs, but they just kept moving away from me. I thought maybe they were just shy. So, I went in closer and tried to explain that I just wanted to be friends. I guess I wasn't paying attention on where I was walking, because I didn't see that one of the crabs was very close to my feet. Next thing I knew, the crab had pinched my foot! It hurt soooooo bad. I felt like I was definitely going to cry. Luckily, I remembered what my momma taught me, "just smile pretty and all will be dandy." Dandy means good, or great, or okay. That was exactly what I did. I smiled the prettiest smile I have ever smiled before. And you know what? It worked! While my foot still hurt a bit, I felt so much better. I still don't know why the crab pinched me like that when I just wanted to be friends. Maybe he had a bad day or maybe he was just a bad crab. No one knows. All I know, is that I have definitely learned a very valuable lesson. From now on, If I want to make friends with a crab, I will not go to his house. I will just invite him to mine. That way he doesn't get mad at me for being in his house. I think that is a pretty neat plan, don't you?
  Anywho, after my adventure with the crab, I joined Al in the water, and we swam and swam until it was time to go home.

All in all, I'd say my adventure at the beach turned out pretty great!
Well friends, that's all I have for now. See you next time.

Smiles All Around,
"The Pretty Panda"
Get "The Pretty Panda Adventures" Cool Stuff Here

P.S. Here's A Picture AL Took of me and the bad, bad Crab.


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