Pete "The Pretty Panda" Says Hi

Hi There, My name is Pete.
 I am a Panda. I used to live in the beautiful land of Chicago, well except in the winter when it turns into a frozen tundra. Which makes it a perfect home for a Polar Bear, but not a Pretty Panda. I remember so many times when I would feel not so pretty anymore, because it had gotten so cold that i couldn't feel my face. You can't tell if you're smiling pretty, if you can't feel your face. That's the honest to God truth!

  Oh I could go on and on about the horrors of the cold in Chicago. Just Awful!
But you know, I admire the people in Chicago. They are so strong. Sometimes, even when it's freezing, some of them will go out in shorts and tank tops. That takes guts. They just keep telling themselves that it's not cold and "poof" they're not cold anymore. Amazing.

   Now I live in the beautiful, sunny all around, island of Puerto Rico. I've only been here for a couple of weeks now, but I have gone to the beach twice already! That's more than I ever did in Chicago. Mainly because there are no proper beaches in Chicago. We just have this big, big, big, big lake called Lake Michigan. It is so big that the shores look like real beaches. You'll keep thinking it's a real beach until you go in the water for a swim. I wouldn't recommend doing that. After all, it is lake water, it's the same water in there that's been sloshing around for ages. It kinda has a bit of a smell too.

   One time, I went in and got really sick after. My momma said it was probably because I went in when there was still ice on the lake, but I don't think so. I think it was the dirty water that did it. Who can know for sure?

   Anywho, before I forget. Here's a bit more about me.
I was created by my buddy who runs Innovation Genesis. He has tons of cool stuff in his website and he even made a collection just for me! He calls it "The Pretty Panda Adventures". So cool!
Though, if you ask me who he is, I couldn't tell you. My eyes, ears, and pretty smile are purely for decorative purposes. Having this blog is the only way I can have a voice. And I am soooooooo excited! I hope I make tons of friends. I get to tell my story every week. Sometimes, maybe even two times a week! Boy, I sure wouldn't want to leave anything out. I promise to try and remember everything for you guys, my friends!
   I also promise to take every week as an opportunity to share my story and all the cool, super awesome, and pretty adventures I have with anyone who'll listen.
 I hope you can be my friend.

 Smiles All Around,
Pete- "The Pretty Panda"
"The Pretty Panda Adventures" Cool Stuff

P.S. I put a picture of me in here so you know what I look like.


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